Coeyman Cemetery

Woodside Section - Approximately where Verona Avenue met Riverside Avenue (now close to McCarter Highway)

<Early 1700's> - <1970's>

Photos - If you have any photos of this cemetery please email me.


From Robert J. Baptista:

"Burying Ground of Coeyman Family Has Been in Use for Two Centuries", Newark Daily Advertiser, August 20, 1904

Perhaps no historic spot in Newark is less generally known than the Coeyman private burying ground, located near the junction of Riverside and Verona Avenues, in the north end of the city. The obscure spot almost surrounded by trees has been used continuously as a place of interment for more than two centuries, and many interesting tales that are unquestionably true are told by persons whose lives have been spent in its vicinity.

The ground was first set aside for burial purposes by the family and has remained in the possession of its descendants ever since. There are many branches of it still residing in Newark, and they continue to bury their dead in the plot used for the same purpose as their forefathers, who at one time owned all of what is now Woodside.

Three Coeyman brothers came to this country from Holland late in the seventeenth century. Two of them settled in what is now known as Jersey City and the third journeyed up the Hudson River. The place where he landed was named after him, Coeyman's Point.

The two in Jersey City did not fancy that locality and one of the brothers came here in a rowboat to pay a visit to the Indians for the purpose of purchasing some land. A bargain was made and he returned to Jersey City to get his brother. Both came here and bought all of what is now Woodside, for $1 an acre.

They immediately set to work and built a brownstone house in Riverside Avenue. They married and set out exploring the wild region. The land was prepared for planting.

Nyler's Pond, which was filled in only a few years ago, was used to wash their clothes. At that time it was filled with pure water, and not a filthy pond as it was when filled in.

The Coeymans had several slaves and finally one of these faithful negroes died. It was, of course, necessary to have a place to bury their dead. A plot of ground several hundred feet distant from their home was selected and here the slave was buried.

The children grew up and it was soon their turn to prepare a burying place for their parents and they finally decided to enlarge the plot and make it a private cemetery. As the years have passed on and the Coeymans and their relatives have died, it is here that they have been buried. The latest one to be interred there was Mrs. Martha Jane Coeyman, of Summer avenue, who was buried during February of this year.

Location of Cemetery

The cemetery stands back in a woods and is not easily seen from the street. It has weathered the hard winters of two hundred years, and some of the headstones are cracked, while some of the graves and small stones have disappeared. Among those is one which bore the date 1702. The oldest one to be found to-day is that of Christina, wife of Aaron King, who died December 10, 1791; the next oldest is that of Anthony Wauters, who died on April 9, 1800, and the third that of his wife, Mrs. Anthony Wauters, who died on October 8, 1802.

From the three brothers who came from Holland sprang all the Coeymans of the northern section of this city, while there are many relatives residing in other towns. There are many relatives of other names. the cemetery has been kept in order by Peter McDonald, of Mt. Prospect avenue, a relative of the Coeymans, since he was 12 years of age. It suffered much from the severe weather last winter, and repairs will be made very shortly. An old dwelling in Summer avenue, near Verona avenue, was erected many years ago by Mrs. J. Alexander, a distant relative of the late Monroe Coeyman.

The family name has been spelled in three different ways: Cooyman, Queman, and Coeyman.

Coeyman Burials (transcribed by John Neafie, June 3, 1917)

Christiana King, wife of Auron King, died Dec. 10, 1791 in the 21st year of her age.
James Coeman, son of Mindard and Catharine, died Aug. 5, 1801, aged 1 year, 10 mos 7 days
Minard Coeyman, died November 12, 1833, aged 75 years, 5 months
Catharine Coeyman, wife of Minard Coeyman, died July 13, 1841, aged 76 years, 10 mos. 6 ds.
Peter L. Coeyman, died April 8, 1869 aged 76 years, 11 months, 4 days
Levi Holden, son of Thomas and Anne Holden, born in Mass. August 19, 1799, died July 19, 1806
Thomas Holden, oldest son of Levi and Hannah Holden, born in Mass, Sept. 5, 1779, died May 20, 1820, aged 40 years, 8 months, 15 days
Anthony Wauters, died April 9, 1800, Aged 52 years
Rachel Waters, died April 17, 1833, aged 62 years, 1 month
Margaret Wauters, wife of Anthony Wauters, died October 8, 1802, aged 52 years
Mary Wauters, daughter of Anthony & Margaret Wauters, died April 23, 1832, aged 66 years.
Caroline Alexander, daughter of James and Catharine Alexander, died Oct, 1, 1841 aged 1 year, 6 months, 9 days.
John MacDonald, born January 3, 1820, died May 30, 1881
Carrie A. Smith, died November 8, 1888, aged 10 years 11 months
Frank H. Smith, died December 2, 1885, aged 14 years, 2 days

From "Woodside" by C. G. Hine 1919

But few of the stones are left in the old Coeyman burial ground, which lies just north of the Weiler house.