St. Mary's Church Cemetery

Forrest Avenue, East Orange

Records located at:
125 Central Ave.
East Orange, NJ 07018

Photos - If you have any photos of this cemeterery please email me.

1,500 interments, 2 acres (1886)


Newspaper Articles

June 26, 1881 - St. Mary's German Catholic Cemetery

St. Mary's Cemetery was the parish cemetery for St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church. It is located in East Orange, bounded by Hoffman Blvd, the railroad, Rutledge Ave. and Springdale Ave. A number of years ago it was sold to the Diocese. All records are now kept at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

From "Hand book and guide for the city of Newark, New Jersey: carefully edited and compiled from authentic sources" Newark Daily Advertiser Print, 1872:

St. Mary's is situated just outside the city limits in the plain lying north of Roseville and east of Orange. The grounds are small, perfectly level, and destitute of much pretension to ornament. One large tree throws its branches aloft, a tall crucifix with a life size image of the Savior nailed to it, a few neat monuments and a large number of humble crosses to mark the various graves. Such is the aspect of St. Mary's It is, however, being planted with willows and evergreens, young as yet, but which will in time make the Cemetery a very pleasing object in the landscape.


Information Starting Date Ending Date Microfilm #
Day Books 1887 1891 1420556
Day Books 1896 1914 1420556


Some interments from